The Payroll eLibrary consists of 12 references, the most extensive collection of payroll resources in one place to help you manage the countless payroll details you face and comply with the law and avoid penalties. Purchase all 12, individual titles, or custom packages. To learn more or to order, call 1-888-CCH-REPS (888-224-7377) or email us to speak to your sales representative.
When purchased with CCH’s Payroll Management Guide, all titles in the eLibrary are linked to:
American Payroll Association Basic Guide to Payroll
Provides a complete overview of payroll by distilling important, complex rules and regulations into practical, manageable information. The Guide functions as a compliance manual, a source of ideas on how to save payroll taxes, a resource to answer employees’ questions as well as a training resource for junior staff members. The Guide contains federal payroll rules and state charts.
Wage and Hour Answer Book
Walks you through compliance issues as they apply to the Fair Labor Standards Act's minimum wage, overtime and recordkeeping provisions. It provides real-world, detailed examples that simplify complicated overtime pay, hours worked and other calculations as well as offers precautions to help avoid non-compliance. The Answer Book also delivers fully up-to-date citations to controlling regulations and case law.
Payroll Answer Book
Employs a highly effective Q&A format, and offers candid and clear-cut advice from industry experts concerning a multitude of payroll issues. The Answer Book brings payroll professionals up to date on the latest federal law and regulatory changes. It extensively covers wage and hour issues, while also discussing other key topics such as garnishment, record-keeping, sick pay, direct deposit, FICA, unemployment taxes and much more.
Multistate Payroll Guide
Covers the payroll laws of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, helping you ensure compliance while avoiding fines, penalties or damages. Providing well over 1,000 pages of easy-to-use, visually appealing charts and tables (including state-by-state comparisons) along with other convenient reference tools, the Guide delivers instant access to current state laws governing a wide range of payroll and tax issues.
Quick Reference to Payroll Compliance
Offers straightforward instruction for complying with both federal and state laws for all areas of payroll administration, including calculating gross pay, handling garnishments, taxation of fringe benefits, year-end reporting and more. It provides you information needed to ensure federal and state compliance, plus delivers quick, understandable explanations of rules and regulations—offering detailed examples of complicated calculations you must perform plus line-by-line and box-by-box instructions for filling out forms and reports.
Payroll Manager’s Letter
Examines new tax laws and regulations, IRS announcements, revenue rulings and revenue procedures, news from the SSA and the Department of Labor, the latest payroll-related court cases and more. This semi-monthly, 8-page newsletter discusses how the news affects federal income tax withholding, employer-employee Social Security and Medicare taxes, federal unemployment tax as well as minimum wage and overtime rules. It also includes a "what to do" angle to help you stay in compliance and save valuable payroll dollars. It also offers insightful advice and explains expert ways to speed payroll processing, guard against fraud, save substantial money on taxes and penalties, and much more.
Complete Guide to Federal & State Garnishment
Explains what to do when you receive garnishments for your employees—specifically when to begin withholding, how much to withhold, where to send the withheld amount,which garnishment has priority, and more. The Guide provides examples throughout that walk you through each step of implementing a garnishment, delivering clear explanations of the pertinent federal and state garnishment laws, including state-specific guidance for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Guide includes in-depth coverage of child support (including medical support), creditor debt garnishment, student loan default, bankruptcy and more.
California Payroll Guide
The only resource to help you handle all the day-to-day requirements as well as the unexpected events that pop up... specific to California. Some of the topics that are covered include: Paid family leave and military spouse leave; Workers’ comp; Restrictions on divulging Social Security Numbers; Recordkeeping requirements; What to report on a pay statement; Wage orders; Living wages; San Francisco Payroll Expense Tax, universal health care; paid sick leave, and more.
Pennsylvania Payroll Guide
The only all-in-one resource for employers that must comply with Pennsylvania’s complex payroll laws. Filled with explanations, examples, and practical advice, this reference covers every Pennsylvania state and local payroll law, including both tax and nontax laws. An extensive chart lists the municipality and school district rates, as well as tax collector information, and the local services tax withholding and reporting requirements for all 2,900 taxing jurisdictions in the state. It also includes a ZIP code to municipality converter to help determine which local tax rates apply to employees.
U.S. Master Payroll Guide
Designed to meet the needs of customers who handle their payroll internally, outsource their payroll, subscribe to an electronic payroll library, or who cannot afford a comprehensive payroll resource. This book serves as a reference guide for finding quick answers that are written in plain language. The content focuses on the basics of payroll and some of the key areas include federal withholding requirements, federal taxable payroll laws, federal records & returns, wages and hours, and garnishments.
Wage-Hour Compliance Handbook
Provides HR and payroll practitioners with plain-English explanations of federal and state wage-hour laws. In addition, you will find important guidance about stepped-up enforcement of worker eligibility requirements and penalties for hiring undocumented workers, as well as information on how federal and state minimum wage and overtime laws interact and apply to your business operations. Other important features include details on key pay-related mandates and an array of practical checklists and forms that give you a user-friendly template for complying with the law.
AAPA Guide to Accounts Payable
Published in conjunction with the American Accounts Payable Association is literally your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about how to run a successful AP department. It guides you through all the essential issues you need to take into consideration in order to make proper payment decisions. And it provides straight-forward, practical answers and "how-to" tips covering the full range of responsibilities carried by AP departments today. It concentrates exclusively on what it takes to make an AP department operate at maximum efficiency, and what AP professionals can do to fulfill their responsibilities according to the highest standards of the industry.
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