The SSA's Disability Insurance (DI) program is one of the nation's largest cash assistance programs. To ensure that beneficiaries remain eligible, SSA regulations require that they promptly report their work activity—including starting a job or a change in wages—to the agency in a timely manner. If the beneficiary does not report changes or if the SSA does not properly process reported work information, the agency may pay out benefits in excess of what is due, resulting in an overpayment. In fiscal year 2014, the SSA identified $1.3 billion in DI benefit overpayments. Avoiding overpayments is imperative as they pose a burden for beneficiaries who must repay excess benefits and result in the loss of taxpayer dollars when they cannot be repaid.
In this report based on ongoing work, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) discusses preliminary observations regarding: (1) what is known about the extent of work-related DI overpayments; and (2) factors affecting the SSA's handling of work activity reported by beneficiaries. The GAO reviewed relevant federal laws, policies, and procedures, and prior GAO, Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and SSA reports; analyzed 10 years of SSA data on overpayments; and interviewed staff at SSA headquarters and at field offices and teleservice centers for three regions, which were selected to represent a range of relevant DI workloads.
What the GAO found
Over the last decade, preliminary data provided by the SSA indicate that more than half of the $20 billion overpaid in the DI program was associated with beneficiary work activity. Specifically, the SSA's data indicate that between fiscal years 2005 and 2014, a total of $11 billion in DI overpayments were paid to beneficiaries with work earnings that exceeded program limits, with an annual average of 96,000 DI beneficiaries incurring an average work-related overpayment of $12,000. In its last six annual stewardship reports, the SSA attributed some improper payments to its failure to take appropriate action when notified of beneficiaries' work activity.
The GAO identified a number of factors that affect handling of work activity reports by beneficiaries—factors that stem from weaknesses in the agency's policies and procedures that are inconsistent with federal internal control standards. Such weaknesses increase the risk that overpayments may occur even when DI beneficiaries diligently try to follow program rules and report work and earnings. These weaknesses include:
What the GAO recommends
As the GAO finalizes its work for issuance later this year, it will consider making recommendations, as appropriate. Note that the GAO sought the SSA's views on information included in this report, but the SSA was unable to provide its views in time to be incorporated. For more information, contact Daniel Bertoni at (202) 512-7215 or bertonid@gao.gov (GAO-15-673T, June 16, 2015).