Five tips for better hires


Aside from poor performance, a common reason why some of your new hires haven’t worked out in the past is a mismatched skill set. What can you do to better identify job candidates with the appropriate skills?


Determining whether a job applicant’s skill set matches your job can be a skill in itself. The following tips, provided by Robert Half, can help you find the right match:

    1. Know what you want. Don't just recycle the job description you used the last time you filled a position; chances are the role has changed. Take a fresh look at your needs and the skills you'd like to add to your team. A detailed job description will help reduce the number of resumes you receive from unqualified applicants.
    2. Look for the intangibles. A candidate's skill set is not limited to functional abilities — it also includes how well he or she works in a collaborative environment. Employers that don't take soft skills, such as leadership and communication, into account may set themselvesup for a bad match.
    3. Make a personal connection. Hiring is more than just identifying a strong resume or profile — it involves having conversations with applicants to establish a rapport. Interviews, for example, allow you to delve deeper into an applicant's qualifications while also assessing whether he or she is a fit for your corporate culture.
    4. Tap all your resources. Though you may have the final say, hiring should never be a solo effort. Take advantage of the tools available to you at your organization; for example, your employees may be able to offer referrals.
    5. Woo your top choices. In any economy, people in high-demand specialties commonly have multiple job offers. You will need to show them why they should choose your organization. Sell the benefits of working with your firm and offer a compensation package in line with — or ideally, above — market rates.

Source: Robert Half Survey: Executives Say Poor Skills Fit Most Common Reason New Hires Don't Work Out, released September 29, 2011, Robert Half Finance & Accounting,

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